Ayurvedic Treatment for Controlling obesity!
Slime-XL – Anti-Obesity Pure Herbal Capsule
Types of Obesity
Android and gynoid
The fat distribution in the body is identified among the two types of obesity – Android and Gynoid. Android is the male types of obesity where excess fat is marked in the upper half of the body. Android type of obesity is likened to the shape of an apple. The shoulders, face, arms, neck, chest and upper portion or the abdomen are bloated. The stomach gives a stiff appearance. So also the arms, shoulders and breast. The back seems to be erect but the neck is compressed. There will be a protruding chest because of the bulk in the stomach. The lower portion of the body-the hips, thighs and legs are thinner beyond proportion in comparison with the upper part. In these persons the vital organs affected will be mostly the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs.
Though this type of obesity is found more in males it is common in females too. Those females who are under hormone treatment for their menstrual abnormalities or after childbirth, are more prone to this type of obesity. It occurs in females around menopause too due to thyroid gland’s functional disturbance. In this type, the excess flesh is less likely to reduce especially in females.
Anti-Obesity Pure Herbal Slime-XL Capsules are Prepared from pure and organic herbs and herbal extracts, which make it completely safe and has no side effect. Slime-XL has been used by many people suffering from overweight in one or the other way. Since the product is all natural, it has been considered as effective natural weight loss program.The product can also come under a ‘daily health supplement’ that can be taken daily in order to treat obesity and also to prevent fatty layers from accumulating in the body. In this way, you can keep your body away from various health ailments that come with obesity or come as complications of obesity.
The clinically proven fat binding formula of Slime-XL combines a healthy weight-loss with the long term effects of a low-fat diet. This is the reason it made it to #1 in our anti-obesity capsules ratings. The key ingredient of Slime-XL product has been tested over several clinical trials and has been effectively shown to reduce calorie intake by at least 295 Calories per day because of it’s effect to reduce the chemical absorbtion of fat into the body. Slime-XL blocks 27.4% of all fat intake thus helping weight-loss efforts.
Benefits of Slime-XL:
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The use of natural products provides progressive, long lasting, safer results, and advised to use until the best results achieved.
High risk of heart diseases
The fat is always on the muscles walls of the vital organs like heart, liver and intestines. When the circumference of the waist is more than the hips, the waist is heavier because the fat is stored in the inside and does not hang loose.
When the fat tissues surround the liver, gall bladder, heart, intestines and kidneys and keep accumulating further, the weight increases pushing out the whole abdomen. The heavy fat tissues do not allow the muscles of these organs to even move property, let alone function. Oxygenated blood becomes steadily insufficient. The cell membranes in the abdomen get bloated by the fat. The cells of these membranes get filled with cholesterol and triglycerides.
This makes fat turn out to be fat cells. Unlike the fat cells in other organs, fat cells in the abdomen are more active4. These cells deposit the fat into blood, passing towards the liver. The liver in turn produces low density lipoprotein and sends the same to the blood, proceeding to the heart, lungs and arteries. A portion of this low density lipoprotein become cholesterol, and damages the arteries resulting in heart diseases. It is certainly evident that the android type of obesity is a major risk for heart damage and heart diseases due to high cholesterol.
An all herbal weight loss program varies in many ways from modern way to get rid of excess weight. The program includes taking Slime-XL and following a perfect regimen so that the results stay longer. The active ingredients used in Slime-XL take time to treat the fatty tissues and hence, such natural weight loss course has to be continued for a certain period as directed by your holistic health care provider.
According to manufacturer of Slime-XL, the product contains natural herbs those have been used as to effectively reduce the body weight. Many health care providers based on their knowledge opine that such natural herbal extracts help melting away the adipose tissues (fatty tissues) and hence, help in decreasing the body weight, all naturally!
Android afflicted can take heart
One marked feature in Android type persons is that they are swift in their movements. They can walk fast, sit down and get up faster than the Gynoid persons. That is why the diet and exercise for this type of persons help a lot to reduce and stay that way, if they try hard to stick to it.
It can be a solace to know that in the android category reduction in the cholesterol level is easier in a weight reducing programme. This is mostly achieved by correcting the diet , avoiding or even reducing the intake of food which is high in cholesterol and by doing exercises regularly.
Gynoid-the female type
In the second type gynoid, the lower part of the body has the extra flesh. This type of obesity is also common to both sexes though females are more affected . gynoid type of obesity is similar to pears(see illustrations on page 46). The flesh is somewhat flabby in the abdomen , thighs, buttocks and legs. The face and neck mostly give a normal appearance. In some persons, the cheeks may be drawn too. As these persons grow old the whole figure assumes a stooping posture and the spine is never erect due to the heavy hips and thighs. The vital organs affected mostly are the kidneys, uterus, intestines, bladder and bowels. But the functions of these organs sometimes have a direct effect on the heart.
In the Gynoid type of obesity where the fat is stored in the hips and thighs, neither diet not the exercise will help reduce weight beyond the certain limit. The weight reduction in the upper part of the body is faster than in the lower part of the body. This is because the fat cells in the hips and thighs do not release much fatty acids as found in the fat cells of other parts of the body, especially the abdomen. So any amount of cycling or other spot reducing exercises or even dieting will not help appreciable. But adding more bulk can be prevented and managed to a great extent.
Slime-XL contains herbal extracts with no additives or preservatives and hence are considered as general health tonic with weight losing properties. They also help maintain the body figure/weight. The good part of adopting Slime-XL course is it does not require any prescription from any health care provider and most importantly, it is readily available on the internet. You just need to browse the website selling this product and purchase online without any hassles.
Slime-XL, if taken in proper dosage, regularly, can not only reduce the body weight but it is also said to have more energy, increased confidence and less burden to the heart reducing further risks of cardiovascular diseases.
Lactation, the saviour for women
In the Gynoid type of obesity, the fatty acid form the cells yield only to one activity called lactation. This type of obesity is found mostly in women after childbirth. Unlike rural womenfolk, urban women selfdom breast feed their babies; even if some do, they stop it after a few months. The penalty they play for depriving their children of the valuable breast milk, that is extremely essential for the well being and good health of the child, is to fall a prey to the gynoid type of obesity.
If a young mother wants to stay trim, it is better for her to breast feed her baby. If by any chance, she has passed the breast feeding age, weight reducing programme should include a great amount of physical activities as also a proper diet, because in Gynoid persons, these do help though at a slower pace. Once should have more patience and undertake hard work to achieve the goal of reducing weight and preventing further weight gain.
Slime-XL, if combined with proper exercises and other dietary pattern that favors slimness, can work really wonderful. Some of the obese people report an amazing thing that in spite of their normal diet that they have been taking since years, Slime-XL was able to reduce their weight drastically. Simply put, they did not have to compromise with their diet as this natural weight loss supplement itself works wonderfully without any assistance. However, this statement is neither approved by its manufacturers nor by any clinical trials or research. To be on safer side, it is always advisable to follow a strict regimen as suggested by the health care provider and follow some special anti-obesity exercises. Checkout your calorie supply and expenditure and maintain the health ratio between them to lose weight naturally, herbal!
Uniformity in distribution of flesh
Besides Android and Gynoid, there is one more type of obesity. Some persons neither belong to Android nor to Gynoid category. Their whole body form head to toe looks like a barrel. Their gait is more to rolling rather than walking. The fat tissues in their body hinder the movement of all the internal organs and consequently affect their brisk functioning. This can be understood better from the following example:
Two persons are sleeping in a room. One covers himself heavily from head to feet with two bed covers and heavy blankets. The other either sleeps with a single bed sheet not covering his head or without any sheet at all. The door bell rings. Who do you think will be first to answer the well? Letters assumed that both are still awake. Assuming that the one inside the heavy covers may be a light sleeper and the other a-sound sleeper, it would still be the later to attend the well first, because he does not have layers of sheets above him to hinter his movements. The farmer on the contrary will take more time to push aside the heavy covering and would also be more tired due to the extra effort of pushing aside the covers.
The third type of obese persons should follow a very strict discipline in diet and do plenty of exercises. For them any exercise is difficult due to the enormous size of the body. So such persons should at first start walking a few miles, slowly increasing the speed day by day. Gradually they must increase the physical activities and continued to be active for ever.
Slime-XL Capsule is a special blend of clinically tested herbs which removes deposited fat quickly and maintains balance of vata, pitta and kapha when you lose weight and limit the formation of fatty acids in the muscles and in liver. Slime-XL is complete natural slimming capsules with absolutely no side effects.
Slime-XL has been used by many people suffering from overweight in one or the other way. Since the product is all natural, it has been considered as effective natural weight loss program.
Excess weight interferes with the skeleton-muscular activities. All the weight-bearing joints are overburdened due to the excess weight. Rheumatism, gout and arthritis are common in those who are overweight. It may be argued that these disorders affect event those who are not obese and sometimes even extremely thin persons suffer from these disorders. But along with these diseases, the damage to the joints and bones is greater in obese than in non-obese persons.
Obesity also results in impotent in some cases. If it occurs at a very young age, with activities and exercises being nil, it implies very poor health and loss of energy. This, in many cases, results in the loss of vigour and leads to impotency.
Slime-XL helps to reduce Kapha, which is the basis of fat accumulation, thus preventing further fat deposition. It strengthens the internal immune system. It cleanses the toxins from the blood, tissues, lungs and lymphatic. Slime-XL oxidizes fat, which is excreted out of body with stool. It suppresses excessive appetite thereby reducing weight and curbing extra sugar and food cravings.
Slime-XL is an ayurvedic formulation of the pure herbs. Slime-XL is a clinically proven, safe and effective polyherbal formulation that actually helps to regulate fat production and utilization. It also eliminates the craving for sweets, normalizes energy production and utilization into the body and helps you stay trim and healthy. It does NOT contain the Ephedra and is safe and effective as a weight regulator through specific ingredients and their unique herbal properties.
The product can also come under a ‘daily health supplement’ that can be taken daily in order to treat obesity and also to prevent fatty layers from accumulating in the body. In this way, you can keep your body away from various health ailments that come with obesity or come as complications of obesity.
One capsule two times a day, half an hour before meals.
Slime-XL – A Natural Weight Loss Capsule
Some of the herbs used in Slime-XL are natural appetite suppressants and reduce your appetite without affecting any other body system as their knock-on effects. Eating less will naturally bring a drop in the figure of the body weight. Such appetite suppressants dramatically reduce the urge or cravings of fatty foods such as oily, junk, canned and packed foods with preservatives. This all, in turn, will help in natural weight loss.
Slime-XL contains herbal extracts with no additives or preservatives and hence are considered as general health capsule with weight losing properties. They also help maintain the body figure/weight. The good part of adopting Slime-XL course is it does not require any prescription from any health care provider and most importantly, it is readily available on the internet. You just need to browse the website selling this product and purchase online without any hassles.
Slime-XL, if taken in proper dosage, regularly, can not only reduce the body weight but it is also said to have more energy, increased confidence and less burden to the heart reducing further risks of cardiovascular diseases.
There have been no reports suggesting any symptoms of headache or dehydration even after a long term course of Slime-XL. Synthetic weight loss pills, on the other hand, may really ruin up the bodily systems. Nature is at its best and goodness of natural anti-obesity herbs have been just packed in Slime-XL to offer a great benefit to obese people. The best part of adopting such natural weight loss programs is the ingredients used in such product are herbs that have many other beneficial effects on the body other than just reducing the excess of fatty layers in the body. They are said to restore the hormones and correct the digestive system to help digest the fats in a more appropriate way.
Main Herbal Combinations Used In SLIME-XL Herbal Capsule Are:
Ingredients | quantity |
Terminalia Chebula | 50 mg |
Embilica officinalis | 50 mg |
Embilica Offcinalis | 25 mg |
Commiphora Mukul | 50 mg |
Punica granatum linn | 25 mg |
Cuminum cyminum | 25 mg |
Artemisia absinthium linn | 25 mg |
Ideal weight chart for adult men and women.
Men | Women | ||
(in ft) |
Weight (in kg) |
Height (in ft) |
(in kg) |
5′ 2” | 53.8 – 58.5 | 4′ 10” | 43.5 – 48.5 |
5′ 3” | 54.9 – 60.3 | 4′ 11” | 44.5 – 49.9 |
5′ 4” | 56.2 – 61.7 | 5′ 0” | 45.8 – 51.3 |
5′ 5” | 57.6 – 63.0 | 5′ 1” | 47.2 – 52.6 |
5′ 6” | 59.0 – 64.9 | 5′ 2” | 48.5 – 54.9 |
5′ 7” | 60.8 – 66.7 | 5′ 3” | 49.9 – 55.3 |
5′ 8” | 62.6 – 68.9 | 5′ 4” | 51.3 – 57.2 |
5′ 9” | 64.4 – 70.8 | 5′ 5” | 52.6 – 59.0 |
5′ 10” | 66.2 – 72.6 | 5′ 6” | 54.4 – 61.2 |
5′ 11” | 68.0 – 74.8 | 5′ 7” | 56.2 – 63.0 |
6′ 0” | 69.9 – 77.1 | 5′ 8” | 58.1 – 64.9 |
6′ 1” | 71.7 – 79.4 | 5′ 9” | 59.9 – 66.7 |
6′ 2” | 73.5 – 81.6 | 5′ 10” | 61.7 – 68.5 |
6′ 3” | 75.7 – 83.5 | 5′ 11” | 63.5 – 70.3 |
6′ 4” | 78.1 – 86.2 | 6′ 0” | 65.3 – 72.1 |
Who can use SlimeXL?
People whose body fat is more than the 25% and 30% of total body weight in men and women, correspondingly. Normal values of fat are 12-18% for men & 18-24% for women.
When a person is said to be obese?
Obesity is measured by calculating the BMI, which is the measurement of the body mass index and if the person has body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2, the person is said to be obese. Both genetic and environmental factors raise the risk of obesity.
Excess accumulation of fat in body can reduce life’s expectancy and increase the risk of many other health problems. Obesity is mostly caused by a combination of more than one factor. Lack of energy balance is a common cause for obesity. Inactive lifestyle can cause imbalance between the energy taken "in" and energy taken "out" of the body and this increases the risks of obesity.
What are the common causes of obesity?
Eating habits – The meals that contains too much of energy but has a low quantity of fiber can increase the risk of obesity. Lack of physical exercises and taking excessive dietary calories or eating junk food can increase weight.
Genetic susceptibility – Obesity can be seen in some families.
Endocrine disorder – Many people suffering from obesity suffer from endocrine disorders and reduce metabolism.
Medical reasons – Sometimes, some medical reasons can cause obesity. Polycyctic ovarian syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome are some of the common medical reasons.
Insufficient sleep – People can suffer from obesity caused by insufficient sleep.
Change in smoking habits – Reduced smoking can also cause weight gain because smoking suppresses hunger.
Medications – Use of certain medications such as antidepressants and corticosteroids can cause weight gain. These medicines reduce the rate at which the body burns calorie.
Age – With age the rate at which body burns calories reduces and it can cause obesity.
Pregnancy – Some women gain weight during pregnancy and they find hard to lose the excess weight.
Dangers of being overweight
Being overweight can put you at risk for problems such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, back pain, coronary heart disease, gall bladder disease, cancer and sleep problems.
Obesity is a powerful risk for type II diabetes.
Excessive weight can actually stress out the joints. Osteoarthritis is a disease that involves the weight-bearing joints. Excess weight speeds up the degeneration of the hips and knees.
Cardiovascular disease
Obesity is a risk for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
An excess of dietary fat can so be a risk factor for cancer of the colon, prostate, breast and uterus.
Sleep apnea
Being overweight may cause the pauses in breathing in sleep.
Back pain
The site where fat tissue is deposited is the waist. Due to the gravity, the vertebral column is pulled by increasing the curvature of the spine, causing pain
- Hyper tension
- Pulmonary complication
- Coronary and cardiac insufficiency, sudden death
- Diabetes
- Surgical risk
- Osteo arthritis
- Gout
- Prostate cancer
For best results with Slime-XL:
- To be effective, Slime-XL should be taken that along with a reduced calorie diet and 20 mins. to 1 hour of moderate physical activity 3 times a week.
- Eat small, normal meals. Dinner should be the smallest meal.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.
- Increase the amount of fresh fruit, green vegetables and juices in your diet.
- Cut down on sweets, fried food, cheese and lofty fat food.
- If there’s a party, have a lesser lunch or schedule a longer exercise routine.
- Don’t feel frustrated and give up the halfway. Keep at it.
- Help Slime-XL to help you. While you should start to get seeing results after 4-6 weeks, allow at least 3 months for full reimbursement.
- After achieving the preferred weight loss, you may reduce the capsule intake to a maintenance dosage of 1 capsule twice a day.

What Slime-XL is and what it is used for?
Slime-XL Capsule is a powerful herbal weight loss supplement traditionally used to aid slimming. It is for use as part of a calorie-controlled diet. It is for use by adults (16 years and above) and the elderly.
How Slime-XL helps in natural weight loss?
Ayurveda defines obesity as the imbalance of one of the three doshas i.e. Kapha. When Kapha increases, fat metabolism gets hampered and the person becomes obese. Ayurvedic herbs present in Slime-XL Slimming Capsules help to reduce Kapha, which is the basis of fat accumulation and improves fat metabolism. This prevents further fat deposition and at the same time burn deposited fat.
Thus by correcting the Kapha imbalance and speeding up the metabolism, Slime-XL Slimming Capsules helps in natural weight loss.
What are the benefits of Slime-XL Capsule?
After years of research we have formulated a powerful combination of ayurvedic herbs that will help you to burn body fat, reduce weight, curb your appetite and increase your energy level. It helps speed up weight loss by acting on your body’s metabolism (speed up the rate at which your body converts fat into energy). When taken as part of a calorie-controlled diet with exercise, Slime-XL can lead to weight loss.
How can Slime-XL Slimming Capsules help me lose weight?
Slime-XL Slimming Capsules help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite, speeding up your body’s metabolic rate and stimulating fat metabolism.
Why Slime-XL is rated #1 slimming capsules?
Slime-XL has been rated number one for its effectiveness, consistency and overall quality by many customer’s reviews and testimonials.
There are a number of reasons why it is rated #1
Results – Slime-XL results are not only fast and effective but they are also consistent and unlike many other weight loss pills and supplements they promote long term natural weight loss.
Clinically Proven – Unlike many competing brands Slime-XL is clinically proven and certified slimming capsules for the treatment of obesity and weight management.
Guarantee – An incredible 30 days guarantee, which ensures customer satisfaction and shows our confidence in our best quality product.
How long does Slime-XL take to start to see results?
Every user has different needs and weight loss goals. Unlike many of our competitors we cater for customers as individuals and give them realistic targets that they can achieve. Therefore results will vary from individual to individual. We do recommend that all of our customers should take Slime-XL for at least 120 days so that they can see beneficial results.
Is there any possible side effect of taking Slime-XL?
Slime-XL is 100% natural and completely safe for long-term use and has no clinically known side effects. It is made from natural and organic plant extract and therefore suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is also free from allergens, artificial coloring, flavors, salt and preservatives. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take this capsule.
Why can I not use Slime-XL when pregnant?
Pregnancy and lactation are periods of extreme sensitivity and as such any label claim allowing for such use must be backed by clinical studies. No study has yet been carried out with Slime-XL to establish a profile in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Can I take Slime-XL when I am taking drugs prescribed to me by a doctor?
It is generally safe to take this slimming capsule even when taking prescription medication. However, if on medication, you are advised to consult your doctor before taking this capsule.
Can I order Slime-XL with privacy and discretion?
Yes all of our products are shipped in discreet packaging with no reference to the contents. We have never sold personal information to Third Parties. Your Credit Card details are not kept on file. We use 128bit encryption technology.
What is the suggested dosage of Slime-XL?
Each bottle of Slime-XL contains 120 capsules which is sufficient for one month. All you need to do is to take 2 capsules 20 minutes before lunch and 2 capsules 20 minutes before dinner with a glass of water. If you are taking heavy breakfast, please take 2 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast as well. Basically, you are required to take 2 capsules 20 minutes before every major meal.
What are the side effects of Slime-XL?
Slime-XL may have some minor side-effects on some users like:• If adequate amount of water is not taken some users may experience Gas formation or / and Constipation.
• Pregnant women should not take Slime-XL as it may affect the growth of the child.
Do I need to follow any particular diet? Can I eat the foods I normally eat?
The amazing characteristic of Slime-XL as a dietary supplement is that you are not required to change either your eating habits. When you take Slime-XL with your meals the fat will be separated out of your food and expelled undigested. This means it will never reach your waistline! It will never enter your blood to be deposited in your arteries. The fat will never get into your system. It’s isolated, it’s soaked up, it’s bound and it’s expelled.
Do I have to exercise for Slime-XL to work?
You can lose weight with absolutely no changes in your lifestyle at all. As long as you continue to take Fat Absorb with your meals, Slime-XL will work for you as it has for millions of others.However, if you make a commitment to walk, jog or go to the gym, Slime-XL will magnify your efforts.
If I want faster results, can I take more Slime-XL safely?
You can take 2-4 capsules per meal safely. However, normally 2 capsules before major meals are adequate.
Who can take Slime-XL?
Slime-XL is all natural and hence safe to use by all whether it’s the elderly, the middle aged, even children. Anyone who wants to lose weight or suffers from high cholesterol and high triglyceride can benefit from Slime-XL.
What about people who suffer from shellfish allergies?
Slime-XL is non-allergenic. People with shellfish allergies are allergic to the meat, not the fibre in the shell.
What is the Recommend Dose of Slime-XL Capsules?
One Capsule two to three times a day ,half an hour before meals with water or as directed by Medical Advisor.This herbal composition should be taken for 8 to 12 weeks or longer period for effective results.
How long does a bottle Last?
A bottle will last for Two to Three weeks, with 60 capsules. A minimum of 2-3 months supply is recommended for effective results and long term improvement.
How long till I see results ?
In mild cases of obesity, results can be seen within 12-14 days of consumption. For more severe cases of related problems, several weeks may be required to see effective results.

I used to weight 170 pounds 3 months back and now I weight 140 pounds and am still losing. Slime-XL is the best weight loss capsule I have ever seen in my life. I will recommend it to all the obese people especially young ones to use it and reduce weight .
Celina Clive, Barbados
I was obese girl at young age of 20 , Life had become miserable for me & I had my own world obesity & was not able to enjoy life. Then I purchased Slime-XL product and result was just unbelievable & I got permanent weight reduction of 25 Kg. In a 3 month. Their was figurative reduction in me & my skin lust has also totally changed . My friends were not able to recognize me & above all after so many years also my weight has not increased.
Sonal Patel , Chennai
Two years ago I weighed 237 pounds causing me to be very sick and always feeling run down. I had gone to nine doctors in this time and all of them came up with a different theory.I did not know who to trust and my self esteem was at an all time low. My concerned parents suggested I trial the Slime-XL products. Sceptically I began to take Slime-XL Weight loss Capsule and after a period of 12 months, I have lost an amazing 111 pounds. Thanks to the Slime-XL products I now weigh 126 pounds, have a husband, a new career and I can dream again.
Rakesh Kumar , Mumbai
I heard about Slime-XL from a friend who was getting amazing results, so I started on the Advanced program. Within 1 month I lost 17 pounds, within 12 weeks I’ve lost 40 pounds, and I’ve gone from size 18 to a size 6.I am so excited about my results I decided to become a Slime-XL distributor, and I now work from home and last month I made an extra $2,150 part-time, and I can look after my children at the same time.
Tracy Hobben ,New York
I’ve been enjoying amazing energy and fantastic health for over 18 years with the Slime-XL products. My energy went through the roof by the second day on the Slime-XL weight loss products. Thanks to the Slime-XL Weight loss Capsule a nutrition product I have never felt so healthy or had so much energy. With the Slime-XL Weight loss Capsule I lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks, and I’ve kept the Slime-XL weight loss off for over 22 years, thanks to Slime-XL I look & feel super – healthy.
Greg Jameson ,England
I strongly encourage you to use the Slime-XL Weight loss Capsule – especially if you’re an experienced dieter like me. I suffered through years of feeling miserable about my body, but you don’t have to. Get on the fast track to weight loss success with this remarkable Slime-XL Weight loss Capsule. When I was introduced to the Slime-XL products I weighed 179 pounds and was very depressed about my looks. Fortunately my sister told me about the Slime-XL Weight loss Capsule, so I tried it out of a mixture of curiosity and desperation. In four months I reached my goal of 115 pounds which I’ve maintained for the past three years.
Arnold Jameson, USA
I ordered and got it pretty fast in 2days. Ive been on Slime-XL for 4 days now and have lost 9pds its crazy i am so happy. I’m eating right but not exercise as much as i should be. I had lost over 70pds and was stuck at one weight for a very long time. So this is awesome my weight is dropping again. 40 more pounds to my goal. Hopeful by summer maybe sooner.
– Donna
I’m back, and officially 25 pounds lighter and I feel AWESOME!! I feel like a totally different person, i can’t believe how much better i look and feel, what a difference 2 months makes! I am not quite to my goal weight yet but I definitely couldn’t have done this on my own. Slime-XL has made a world of a difference. I am so passionate about this product, I want to tell EVERYONE about it! Slime-XL is the real deal, don’t waste your money on other products! My mom who is anti- diet capsule has even started taking it! I highly recommend buying from them! I get my capsules within a few days of ordering and they answer my emails almost immediately!
– Linzee
I have tried just about everything out there (even lipo-suction) and nothing works quite as good as Slime-XL. Had I tried this 18 years ago I NEVER would have gone under the knife! I have taken Slime-XL every day for 7 months and have lost 58 pounds. Some months were better than others, but I am glad I stuck with it!
– Darleen
Just finished my first bottle. Amazing results. I was at 198 and dropped to a LEAN 175. I workout 5 nights a week lifting weights and cardio. I was already pretty massive in muscles but this really brought out my abs and toned up my upper body even more. I absolutely love this stuff. I will always use this if i need to drop some weight.
– Cody
It only took 2 days to get my Slime-XL product. After 6 days I am down 5 pounds! My energy has increased dramatically. I am very happy with my purchase.
– Tabitha
I started taking Slime-XL in february- my starting weight was 158, and after less than 4 months i have lost a total of 48 pounds! I have worked very hard but Slime-XL definitely made the entire process much easier. It helped control and reduce my appetite, i could feel the fat burning effects almost immediately and it gave me a ton of energy!