Never Experienced An Orgasm Before?
Fezinil Can Help Take You There…
If you’ve never experienced an orgasm before…or maybe it has just been a while…it’s worth mentioning that many of our clients tell us they’ve enjoyed their first orgasm after beginning supplementation with Fezinil.
Say Goodbye To Vaginal Dryness!
It’s not rocket science, is it? All women know, it’s an erotic cycle…
More Lubrication = Increased Sensation = Increased Desire For Sex
… Which then equals MORE lubrication, and so on.
Fezinil capsules ,a key focus in the formulation of Fezinil was increasing women’s lubrication early during a sexual encounter, helping you overcome the common
Natural remedy to treat the causes of frigidity and female sexual dysfunctions.
Here are the results you can expect by taking Fezinil libido enhancement capsules:
- Increases female libido and even restores sex drive
- More frequent interest in sex
- Promoted sexual response time, quicker arousal and less time to climax
- Intensified sexual sensation and orgasm
- Promoted clitoral stimulation
- Increased likelihood of multiple orgasms
- Stabilized hormonal system for correct reproductive functioning
- Enhances levels of excitement during foreplay
- Increases blood flow to the female genitals
- Creates more frequent interest in, and enjoyment of sex
- Increases vaginal lubrication and sensitivity
“I received my order yesterday. which is FANTASTIC! I also wanted to say thank you. I sent an email to Ask our Experts, I was surprised at the speed [of the response]. Thanks so much for the excellent service!”
Rachel Irving, Singapore
What is Frigidity?
Frigidity is broadly used to refer to a low libido (sex drive) in women. This term is often used incorrectly to describe a woman who is emotionally cold or does not respond to her partner’s sexual advances.
A lack of sexual desire can be psychologically embedded in a person’s subconscious and linked to greater issues that should be addressed or discussed. In some cases women may experience low libido and refuse or avoid sexual intimacy or they may endure it without being able to reach orgasm, finding little pleasure in the act.
In other cases, women may have difficulty being aroused or sex may even cause considerable pain or discomfort. But whether the root cause is emotional or physical, frigidity can result in conflict and strain in even the most secure relationships.
Lack of sex drive in women (lack of libido)
Lack of sex drive (lack of libido) is common in women, but quite rare in men. The American Medical Association has estimated that several million US women suffer from what doctors there call ‘female sexual arousal disorder’ (FSAD).
Many of these women have no problems with having orgasms. Rather, they have no real desire to have sex and their minds are not turned on by the prospect of love-making.Fortunately, for many women this lack of libido is only temporary. Some will get over it by themselves, and a lot more can be helped by expert medical or psychosexual advice. Others do not really want to get back into the world of rampaging sexual desire and are quite happy to lead lives which are untroubled by lust.
What Makes Fezinil Better than the Other Libido Enhancers?
To start with, it is the unique blend of ingredients. Each ingredient and its proportion in Fezinil’s herbal formula is specially selected for its qualities and abilities to increase libido and improve sexual and reproductive health. In addition, you will enjoy intensified sexual sensation, increased levels of excitement during foreplay, and strengthened orgasm.
Fezinil is developed by a leading company with good reputation and many years of experience and in the field of sexual enhancement products. Its strict standard of high quality control guarantees you that only top-quality ingredients are used, and you will receive a quality product that is both effective and safe.
There are no side effects. Since only natural herbal ingredients are used, Fezinil is completely safe and does not interfere with other mediations.
Fezinil provides a reliable and secure ordering system so you can rest assured that your online order is secure. Additionally, the order is shipped in plain, discreet packaging, so that nothing on the outside will identify the contents.
Finally, Fezinil is backed with a 6 month guarantee. Thus, you know that the results are guaranteed and if you are not satisfied with this libido enhancement product (which is very unlikely), you will receive a refund.
Have You Stopped Wanting Sex?
Or, Maybe You’re Just Not Enjoying It Like Before?
Not satisfied with your sex life?
You’re not alone… Millions of women just like you struggle every day with low libido. You don’t want sex. And when you do have sex, you don’t enjoy it.
It’s another chore, ticked off your list of daily tasks. Satisfy the partner in the bedroom. Check.
Only if we’re being honest, nobody is really happy. You’re not happy with yourself, feeling like less of a woman. And you feel guilty, ashamed knowing that your partner isn’t satisfied either. He’s feeling neglected… Unwanted.
But what can you do?
The Biggest Myth Of Women’s Desire
Unhappy Woman First, it’s important we debunk the BIGGEST myth of women’s sexuality:
Girls, you can’t talk yourself into *wanting* sex. If you’re suffering with low libido, you need more than a bubble bath and a romance novel to get you in the mood.
Because low libido is often an issue of physical health… not mental health.
Women today are faced with extremely busy lives.
We juggle careers, kids, husbands, housework, aging parents, and more – and this leaves us little time to worry about proper nutrition, never mind exercise!
Plus, we’re faced with unavoidable hormonal changes that come…
* Post-pregnancy
* As part of monthly menstruation
* With menopause
* As a result of exposure to synthetic estrogens
* And with poor diet, lack of exercise & stress
… All of which leave us feeling even less interested in making time for sex!
As women, we’re complex sexual beings. Our heads, hearts, and health all play BIG roles in whether or not we’re interested in sex, never mind capable of actually enjoying it.
So to re-ignite the fires of passion and desire, you need to take a serious, reflective look at how you can begin achieving balance in your life.
And a good place to start is with a daily libido supplement like Fezinil!
Want Sex Again… And Actually Enjoy It!
Imagine not just wanting sex again… but actually enjoying it.
That’s what Fezinil has been formulated to offer women who are silently suffering from lack of desire.
If you just don’t feel that “into it” … if you find yourself trying to talk yourself into enjoying sex… if you see sex as a chore and get little joy from it… ™is for you!
Carefully formulated by our team of sexual health experts, Fezinil contains a very precise blend of herbals, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs that work
Simply take one supplement per day and relax as over a period of 90 days, and Fezinil begins to gently take effect…
…Naturally correcting the many hormonal, nutritional, and stress-induced imbalances that may be robbing you of the desire for sexual intimacy!
With Fezinil, you can finally rediscover your sexual side.
Feel like that playful teenager again. Joyfully give and receive the most intimate of pleasures…regularly, without feeling pressured.
How Fast Can You Expect To Feel Results?
Many women tell us they feel the effects of Fezinil within as little as 7 days of beginning supplementation, including:
- A noticeable increase in your appetite for sex
- Increased fantasies and anticipation of sex
- Quicker full body arousal
- More vaginal lubrication, faster
- Intense sensations in the genital regions
…However, please remember that Fezinil is designed to help your body recover from nutritional deficits and hormonal imbalances that are created over
So it only makes sense that it takes a little time and patience to help restore this natural balance!
That’s why we recommend you plan on supplementing with Fezinil for at least 90 days you expect to see more dramatic results that can include:
- More regular periods, lighter with less painful cramping
- A reduction in hot flashes
- More energy
- Fewer mood swings & less irritability
- More intense, pleasurable muscle contractions with orgasms
Main Herbal Combinations Used In FEZINIL Herbal Capsule Are:
Ingredients | Quantity |
Tribulus terrestris | 100 mg |
Elettaria cardamomum | 100 mg |
Withania somnifera | 100 mg |
Symplocos racemosa | 50 mg |
Rubia cordifolia | 50 mg |
Nardostachys Jatamansi | 25 mg |
Saraca indica | 25 mg |
Low Libido
Libido is generally termed as Sexual desire arising out of psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives. When this sexual drives is not at the average level and goes down it is termed as low libido. A large number of psychological and physiological factors interact to determine an individual’s libido. Due to this reason it is difficult to pinpoint the cause for a loss of sexual desire. However, a healthy diet and regular exercise can improve a person’s sex drive; overindulgence in food, alcohol, or exercise can reduce it. Low libido is a major problem in urban world, and needs to be dealt as problem with proper solutions. Low libido is majorly seen in women and the term is often used for women, not overlooking the fact it is often found in men.
Symptoms of Low libido
- Lack of sexual desire.Lack of getting close physically with the partner.
- Absense of excitement during sex
- Dryness of vagina in women and erection problem in male.
What are the causes of lack of libido in women?
As is the case with men, lack of desire in women can be of either physical or psychological origin.
Physical causes
- Anaemia, which is very common in women because of iron loss during periods.
- Alcoholism.
- Drug abuse.
- Major diseases such as diabetes.
- Post-baby ‘coolness’, a term we have coined for the loss of libido that often happens after childbirth. It is almost certainly linked to hormonal changes that occur at this time. The general trauma of childbirth also plays a part – and after having a baby, many women are too exhausted to think about sex.
- Prescribed drugs, particularly tranquillisers.
- Hyperprolactinaemia – a rare disorder in which the pituitary gland is overactive.
- Other hormone abnormalities: leading Swiss gynaecologist Dr Michael Nemec claims that abnormalities in the production of luteinising hormone (LH) often cause lack of desire. And top British gynaecologist John Studd says that many women who have lost their libido lack androgenic (male) hormones. This view remains controversial.
You may be surprised that we haven’t mentioned the menopause as a physical cause of loss of desire.
Contrary to myth, the menopause doesn’t usually cause loss of libido, and many women feel a lot sexier and have more orgasms in the postmenopausal part of their life.
Psychological causes
These causes are very common. It’s understandable that when a woman is having a bad time emotionally, she may lose interest in sex.
Psychological causes include:
- depression
- stress and overwork
- anxiety
- hang-ups from childhood
- past sexual abuse or rape
- latent lesbianism
- serious relationship problems with your partner
- difficult living conditions, eg sharing a home with parents or parents-in-law.

1. What is Fezinil?
Fezinil is a doctor-endorsed daily supplement designed to dramatically increase a woman’s desire for sex…
- Deeply intensifying sexual sensations
- Increasing vaginal lubrication
- Speeding total body arousal
- Adding passion back to your intimate encounters
- And putting regular, pleasurable orgasms back within your grasp!
Simply take one supplement per day and relax as over a period of 90 days, Fezinil begins to gently take effect…
2. How does it work?
Fezinil is a proprietary blend of the highest quality herbs, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs, all individually shown to help balance the hormones and nutrients associated with all aspects of female sexual response.
Women today are faced with extremely busy lives:
We juggle careers, kids, husbands, housework, aging parents, and more – and this leaves us little time to worry about proper nutrition, never mind exercise!
Plus, we’re faced with unavoidable hormonal changes that come…
1. Post-pregnancy
2. As part of monthly menstruation
3. With menopause
4. As a result of exposure to synthetic estrogens
5. And with poor diet, lack of exercise & stress
… All of which leave us feeling even more exhausted, run down – and less interested in making time for sex!
That’s why Fezinil has been formulated to gently and naturally restore BALANCE to your body.
It naturally supplements what your changing, overtaxed, overstressed body needs to feel utterly feminine, sexual, and desirable again. So you’ll finally look forward to making love with your partner again – instead of viewing it as another neglected chore.
3. How quickly should I expect to see results?
Many women tell us they see results within as little as 7 days, including:
- Noticeable increase in sexual appetite
- Increased fantasies and anticipation of sex
- Quicker full body arousal
- More vaginal lubrication, faster
- Intense sensations in the genital regions
However, please remember that Fezinil is designed to help your body recover from nutritional deficits and hormonal imbalances that are created over time, from ongoing stress, neglect, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and more.
So it only makes sense that it takes a little time and patience to restore this natural balance!
That’s why we recommend you plan on supplementing with Fezinil for at least 90 days before you expect to see more dramatic results that can include:
* More regular periods, lighter with less painful cramping
* A reduction in hot flashes
* More energy
* Fewer mood swings & less irritability
* More intense, pleasurable muscle contractions with orgasms
4. I seem to have lost all desire for sex – will Fezinil help me?
You’d probably agree that most women could benefit from taking a daily multi-vitamin supplement. Few of us get all the nutrients and minerals we need from our diet to stay healthy, right?
Well, Fezinil is a daily supplement that directly targets our female sexual response system, fortifying our bodies with essential nutrients we need to operate at our sexual peak while simultaneously helping to bring our hormones back into balance.
And history tells us that Fezinil works:
The vast majority of women who take Fezinil for a minimum of 90 days report a dramatic increase in their desire for sex.
However, we don’t know you… your medical history… your relationship history… your views on sexuality… or the current state of your personal and professional life – all of which can have a BIG impact on your overall desire for sex.
So it’s difficult to say with confidence, YES, Fezinil will work for you.
If you’re not sure why you’ve lost all desire for sex, a supplement like Fezinil is only going to benefit you. And if it doesn’t resolve the problem, you know that you need to dig a little deeper and consider speaking with a medical professional.
But please remember:
Fezinil is backed by a 6-month NO RISK moneyback guarantee. If you try it and don’t get results you’re happy with, return it for a complete refund.**
Your satisfaction is our #1 priority.
5. I’ve never been very sensitive in my genital area? Will Fezinil improve this?
Yes, women regularly tell us they’ve experienced increased sensation in their clitoris, labia, and vaginal regions after supplementing with Fezinil.
That’s because it includes a powerful combination of herbals all designed to promote relaxation while increasing blood flow to your genitals. This has the effect of increasing your overall sensitivity while also improving vaginal lubrication, leading to total body sexual arousal.
6. I’ve never had an orgasm before. Will Fezinil help?
Yes, many women enjoy their first orgasm after beginning supplementation with Fezinil.
First, Fezinil causes the dilation of blood vessels – which enables you to relax and enjoy sexual experiences… without trying so hard.
Second, Fezinil includes a number of powerful herbs and nutrients that combine to cause more intense, more frequent muscle contractions – making it easier for you to relax into your first experience with an orgasm.
And finally, Fezinil comes with a number of FREE gifts, including the #1 rated Fezinil capsules featured on the hit daytime TV show, “The Doctors.”
The combination of the Fezinil Daily Supplement with the Personal Lubricant Gel has shown to be extremely effective in helping women reach their first orgasm.
7. I suffer from vaginal dryness. Will Fezinil improve my lubrication?
Yes! Many of the ingredients included in Fezinil have a direct impact on vaginal lubrication – increasing how quickly you get “wet” during a sexual encounter, as well as the overall volume of lubrication available during sex.
All women know, it’s an erotic cycle:
More Lubrication = Increased Sensation = Increased Desire For Sex
… Which then equals MORE lubrication, and so on.
So yes, a key focus in the formulation of Fezinil was increasing women’s lubrication early during a sexual encounter, helping you overcome the common problem of vaginal dryness.
Plus, like we mentioned earlier Fezinil comes with a number of FREE gifts, including the #1 rated Fezinil capsule featured on the hit daytime TV show, “The Doctors.”
This personal lubricant is great for taking off the pressure and giving you lubrication on demand, so you can increase sensations and desire on your terms, at your speed.
8. I find sex really uncomfortable. Can Fezinil change this?
Chances are good that Fezinil will help you to begin enjoying sex.
Two key issues make sex uncomfortable for women: (1) lack of desire and (2) lack of lubrication.
Fezinil has been formulated by a team of professionals to address both of these issues, increasing your desire for sex, increasing blood flow to your genital regions, intensifying arousal, and improving lubrication (which also has a big impact on your enjoyment and desire).
But if sex is painful for you (as opposed to mildly uncomfortable), we’d recommend that you speak with a medical professional to rule out more serious problems.
And if you’ve had negative sexual experiences in the past, if you are in an unsupportive or abusive relationship now, or if you received negative messages about sex when you were younger, it might be a good idea to speak with a professional therapist who can help you make sense of these issues.
Women’s sexual desire is multifaceted, impacted by MANY different elements both mental and physical.
Fezinil helps address the physical. But please be sure to seek the counsel of other medical professionals if you’re struggling with more serious pain, physical or emotional!
9. I’m menopausal… Isn’t it too late to reclaim my sex drive?
Goodness NO! If you’re suffering from lack of sex drive, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, mood swings, and any of the many other symptoms of menopause, you could definitely benefit from Fezinil.
Women who are both pre- and post-menopausal report enjoying sex lives like never before once they take control of their health and hormones, and bring the necessary balance back to their bodies.
Many of our most loyal clients are menopausal women.
Men have plenty of supplements and prescriptions available to boost their sex drives as they age. Finally, women have the same opportunity to start truly ENJOYING sex again with the help of Fezinil.
11. Are there any side effects?
No, Fezinil is completely safe. It contains a few herbal supplements that are NOT recommended for pregnant women. Some women report a slight increase in breast size, as it balances out hormones and helps optimize your entire reproductive system. But that’s it!
If you’re concerned about potential health risks or conflicts with other medications you may be taking, please speak with your doctor
12. Is Fezinil safe if I’m trying to get pregnant?
You should always check with your medical practitioner regarding any supplements or medications you are taking when trying to get pregnant or during pregnancy – even vitamins!
13. How can I be sure Fezinil is manufactured safely?
Fezinil is a natural supplement, made with the finest quality ingredients using safety standards as stringent as those for pharmaceuticals!
We’ve gone far above and beyond the call of duty and chosen the same cGMP compliant pharmaceuticals manufacturer that major retailers like Albertsons, Rite Aid, Safeway, Wal-Mart and more use to manufacture life-saving drugs!
16. Am I protected if Fezinil doesn’t work for me?
Please try our product for 90 days and if for any reason you are not satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 180 days from the time of delivery for a full refund excluding shipping charges. If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiples don’t worry. Any unopened containers returned along with your opened containers within the 180 day guarantee period will also be eligible for a full refund. You must have used the product for a minimum of 90 days, this is because results can take longer for some individuals. Orders of less than three units are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee. Any product returned for any reason before 90 days of use will be refunded for any unopened product returned and less any shipping charges paid. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our product. Please do not ship any product back after the 180-day refund period has expired. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

“I have been using Fezinil for a few weeks and have never had such intense orgasms. I have also been taking Provestra for the same time period. This product does what it says it does. A warm rush and heightened sensitivity to the clitoral region. I also put a little on my husbands private areas and it drives him “CRAZY”. What a great product. Every woman needs to be using this!”
Tamela, Texas
“I’d had what I thought was ‘good’ sex all my adult life… but this is the first time I’ve experienced total sexual abandon. It felt like a total mind and body orgasm — incredible!”
Claire, 52, Georgia
“My boyfriend loves to see me in absolute ecstasy. He bought Fezinil to take me beyond the limits… ohhhhh my God, does it work!”
Elaine, 27, Massachusetts
“What a difference. I used to dread sex and actually made excuses to avoid it or pretend to be asleep. Since I started using Fezinil , I want it all the time, I think about it all the time, and I plan other things around my new sex life! My husband is thrilled that now I’m the one who initiates it.”
Geri, 46, Vermont
“I always thought of myself as a good lover. But now I’ve discovered that sex is so much more than I thought. The sensations are so intense that I feel a sense of really merging, not just on a physical level but entirely melting into the experience. It’s wonderful.”
Danielle, 39, Wisconsin
“I don’t know how long we make love. I totally lose myself! I think maybe last time it was around 4 hours, and we often feel as if we could go on and on.”
Brenda, 29, Florida
“I’ve had a lot of problems with vaginal dryness and uncomfortable intercourse. I’ve used all sorts of artificial lubricants, but Fezinil does so much more than just lubricate — it actually gets me turned on and gets the juices flowing again. This is such a breakthrough. I feel like a new woman.”
Marlene, 62, California
“I swear, this stuff has saved my marriage. My husband had gotten so used to me not being interested that he had almost given up. Now, not only is my husband incredibly appreciative that I want sex more often, but the electricity and the chemistry is back, too! We are flirting and playful with each other just like we were when we first got together. He loves that I tease and seduce him again, and that I can’t wait to get him in the sack! No doubt, Fezinil has given me the best sex ever. It’s like, wow! Why didn’t I find out about this sooner?!”
Joleen, 32, Washington
“I could never climax before. I couldn’t even understand what people were talking about. Now that I’ve had the real thing, I can’t believe I went through life NOT knowing how great I could feel. Now I’m going to make up for lost time. Fezinil showed me the way to total sexual satisfaction.”
Karen, 41, Texas
“Before Fezinil , I thought multiple orgasms were a myth. Was I wrong — now I come for so long seems it will never stop! I love it, and so does my boyfriend!”
Trisha, 33, Nevada
“When I first ordered Fezinil , I would never have admitted to anyone that I was using a “better orgasms” product. But once I found out how incredible it is, I actually got up the nerve to tell my friends. Now they’ve tried it, and I’m their hero for turning them on to it… their partners thank me too! This is a great product. I’d recommend it to everyone.”