Natural Aid With Fast Results
Herbal and Natural Aids Cure HIV
The word HIV/AIDS is so threatening that it had created a fear in the mind of the people. This is a deadly disease where the people are knowingly or unknowingly getting addicted to it. Many innocent people are becoming victims to this disease.
The medications which are curable with no harm and side effects that is the dietary supplements. So ultimately you have chosen a right place for your medications which are tried, tested and the proven ones with no side effects and no harm.
When we see the stats of the chronic diseases like aids, cancer and others are increasing in number than decreasing. This happens due to these main things that are improper diet, lack of nutrition, breathing impure air, having junk foods, getting addicted to the bad habits and many more. The people are really not thinking of the healthy living they just want to lead the life of their wish. And this is the main reason why the man is getting affected with such chronic diseases.
What is HIV and AIDS?

The word HIV stands for Human Immune Deficiency Virus and AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus. The HIV is a viral that uses the nutrients and energy provided by the human cells to grow and reproduces to infect the human cells. AIDS is the next final stage of HIV which makes breakdowns the immune system of the human body and makes unable to fight against infections or the other illness. But sometimes it takes decade or two to turn out from HIV to AIDS if the person has started to undergo the medical care. The symptoms may not be seen for years together to some they may get it later also.
HIV cure by Unani Medicine is effective and affordable. There has been a success in all the HIV cases so far treated. Symptomatic relief can be noticed in about 45 to 60 days and complete cure may take about 24 months. Case studies are presented. It just costs $ 79.50 per month. The cost of the Unani medicine will be refunded in case there is no improvement in the HIV / AIDS stage of the individual at the end of 2 months of use of the Ayurvedic Cure.
An ancient Graeco-Arab system of medicine, not much is known about unani’s efforts in developing an AIDS cure. Clinical trials of nigella sativa are, however, on amongst unani medical researchers. They say the herb is effective in boosting the immune function and should help in the search for AIDS antidote.Traditional systems of medicine are no doubt prevalent in various countries of the world, but most of these are empirical.
On the other hand, unani and its allied branches have rational and scientific basic principles. It is distinct from other branches of medicine, as the drugs it uses are natural in their sources and forms. It emphasizes on retaining natural compounds which belong to the human body, and hence prescribes only natural remedies.
Unani medicine believes that diseases can be kept at bay by the use of clean and fresh water, breathing clean air and consuming fresh food. Likewise, a balance should be maintained between the mind and the body so that the metabolic process can take place easily and the body waste evacuated. Unani medicine also believes that all life forms have originated from the sea.
In Unani medicine, herbs are used in many different systems in different ways. However the ultimate objective of their use is that they should interact directly with our body chemistry. They may be used in various forms like food, medicine, cosmetics or perfumes. But in all cases their active unani constituents must be observed into the body for deriving the required benefits. They circulate to influence our whole system. According to Hakeem , a prominent Unani physician, the skill of the herbalist lies mainly in strengthening the body’s own healing mechanism instead of suppressing or disturbing it, as modern medicine tends to do.
AIDS-NIL Capsules will help you in prevention of HIV/AIDS
AIDS-NIL Capsule is a unani medicine for HIV/AIDS indication. Which help HIV/AIDS sufferers to get their CD4 back to normal number through a few weeks use This depends on the condition of their HIV/AIDS phase and if the sufferers also have had any opportunistic reactions.
This natural remedy available in form of Capsule. AIDS-NIL Capsule can kill the virus in human being body safely within a very brief period. Progress can be seen in 30-60 days (with regular usage of the right dose). Sufferers will need to have 30 to 60 capsules, two times daily after or before meals.
AIDS-NIL Capsule does not cause any side effect
If you would like to see the change that happens in a sufferer’s body, you can have a blood test one week after regular consumption of AIDS-NIL Capsule natural remedy. You can see clearly the difference of virus rate in the patient’s blood, before and after consuming the remedy. Consumption in high doses remains safe, and will not generate any side effect.
At promotion period we offer a good price of a packet of AIDS-NIL Capsule natural remedy for one month consumption.
AIDS-NIL Capsule works on our pioneering principle:-
- Inhibits viral multiplication.
- Augments production of CD4 lymphocytes cell.
- Immuno Restorative
- Treatment & Prophylaxis for Opportunistic Infections.
- Stimulate & sustain physiological activity in the body.
How AIDS-NIL Capsule acts for HIV/ AIDS:
- Decreases RNA viral load up to undetectable level.
- Increases CD4 Helper T cells.
- Tones up functions of vital organs of the body.
- Curtail the development of ailments.
- Reduce & stop the vulnerability to opportunistic infections.
- Not prone to Multi drug resistance.
- It is safe & free from side effects & contra-indications.
- Completely free from any of the injurious ingredients like lead or steroid.
- Immunity, vigour & vitality of the patient is restored enabling him to lead a productive energetic life.
- It is very efficacious as a prophylactic to prevent transmission of HIV virus from mother to foetus during pregnancy.
Main Herbal Combinations Used In AIDS-NIL Herbal Capsule Are:
Ingredients | quantity |
Tinospora Cordifolia | 25 mg |
Gellidum Amansii | 25 mg |
Withania somnifera | 25 mg |
Berberis aristata | 25 mg |
Azadirachta indica | 25 mg |
Hydrocotyl asiatica | 25 mg |
Glychyrrhiza glabra | 25 mg |
Asparagus racemosus | 25 mg |
Curcuma angustifolia | 25 mg |
Tribulis terrestris | 25 mg |
Artemisia absinthium | 25 mg |
Rumex crispus | 25 mg |
Hemidesmus indicus | 25 mg |
Ocimum sanctum | 25 mg |
Emblica officinalis | 25 mg |
Natural Asphaltum | 25 mg |
Cuminum cyminum | 25 mg |
Nigella Sativa | 75 mg |
A Breakthrough Achieved in Anti-AIDS Medicine
A new kind of Anti-AIDS Unani medicine “AIDS-NIL” developed by Ayurvedic Cure has for the first time made a big way ahead in clinical practice. The experiment has further proved that the “AIDS-NIL” is not only safe and effective, but also without any side-effect harmful to patients as displayed in other medicine of the same kind. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV).
HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) infection has now spread to every country in the world and has infected more than 40 million people worldwide as of the end of 2003. More than 1.1 million people in the United States have been infected with HIV. The scourge of HIV has been particularly devastating in Sub-Saharan Africa. The proportion of adult women among those infected with HIV is increasing.
HIV: A lentivirus of a subgroup of retroviruses, HIV causes AIDS. The virus kills or damages cells of the body’s immune system. HIV progressively destroys the body’s ability to fight infections and certain cancers. People diagnosed with AIDS may develop life-threatening diseases from viruses or bacteria that rarely make healthy people sick. These infections are called opportunistic infections.
AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was first recognized in 1981 in New York City. The epidemic is growing most rapidly among minority populations. The virus was identified in 1983. A diagnostic blood test was developed in 1985.
Early Symptoms of HIV infection

Many people do not develop any symptoms when they first become infected with HIV. Some people, however, get a flu-like illness within three to six weeks after exposure to the virus. This illness, called Acute HIV Syndrome, may include fever, headache, tiredness, nausea, diarrhea and enlarged lymph nodes (organs of the immune system that can be felt in the neck, armpits and groin). These symptoms usually disappear within a week to a month and are often mistaken for another viral infection.
During this period, the quantity of the virus in the body will be high and it spreads to different parts, particularly the lymphoid tissue. At this stage, the infected person is more likely to pass on the infection to others. The viral quantity then drops as the body’s immune system launches an orchestrated fight.
More persistent or severe symptoms may not surface for several years, even a decade or more, after HIV first enters the body in adults, or within two years in children born with the virus. This period of “asymptomatic” infection varies from individual to individual. Some people may begin to have symptoms as soon as a few months, while others may be symptom-free for more than 10 years. However, during the “asymptomatic” period, the virus will be actively multiplying, infecting, and killing cells of the immune system.
What Happens Inside the Body?
Once HIV enters the human body, it attaches itself to a White Blood Cell (WBC) called CD4. Also, called T4 cells, they are the main disease fighters of the body. Whenever there is an infection, CD4 cells lead the infection-fighting army of the body to protect it from falling sick. Damage of these cells, hence can affect a person’s disease-fighting capability and general health.
After making a foothold on the CD4 cell, the virus injects its RNA into the cell. The RNA then gets attached to the DNA of the host cell and thus becomes part of the cell’s genetic material. It is a virtual takeover of the cell. Using the cell’s division mechanism, the virus now replicates and churns out hundreds of thousands of its own copies. These cells then enter the blood stream, get attached to other CD4 cells and continue replicating. As a result, the number of the virus in the blood rises and that of the CD4 cells declines.
Because of this process, immediately after infection, the viral load of an infected individual will be very high and the number of CD4, low. But, after a while, the body’s immune system responds vigorously by producing more and more CD4 cells to fight the virus. Much of the virus gets removed from the blood. To fight the fast-replicating virus, as many as a billion CD4 cells are produced every day, but the virus too increases on a similar scale. The battle between the virus and the CD4 cells continues even as the infected person remains symptom-free.
But after a few years, which can last up to a decade or even more, when the number of the virus in the body rises to very high levels, the body’s immune mechanism finds it difficult to carry on with the battle. The balance shifts in favour of the virus and the person becomes more susceptible to various infections. These infections are called Opportunistic Infections because they swarm the body using the opportunity of its low immunity. At this stage, the number of CD4 cells per millilitre of blood (called CD4 Count), which ranges between 500 to 1,500 in a healthy individual,falls below 200. The Viral Load, the quantity of the virus in the blood, will be very high at this stage.
Opportunistic infections are caused by bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. Some of the common opportunistic infections that affect HIV positive persons are: Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), Tuberculosis (TB), Salmonellosis, Bacillary Angiomatosis (all caused by bacteria); Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Viral hepatitis, Herpes, Human papillomavirus (HPV), Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) (caused by virus); Candidiasis, Cryptococcal meningitis (caused by fungus) and Pneumocystis Carinii pneumonia (PCP). Toxoplasmosis Cryptosporidiosis (caused by parasites) HIV positive persons are also prone to cancers like Kaposi’s sarcoma and lymphoma.
Later Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
1. Lack of energy
2. Weight loss
3. Frequent fevers and sweats
4. A thick, whitish coating of the tongue or mouth (thrush) that is caused by a yeast infection and sometimes accompanied by a sore throat.
5. Severe or recurring vaginal yeast infections
6. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease or severe and frequent infections like herpes zoster
7. Periods of extreme and unexplained fatigue that may be combined with headaches, lightheadedness, and/or dizziness
8. Rapid loss of more than 10 pounds of weight that is not due to increased physical exercise or dieting
9. Bruising more easily than normal
10.Long-lasting bouts of diarrhoea
11.Swelling or hardening of glands located in the throat, armpit, or groin
12.Periods of continued, deep, dry coughing
13.Increasing shortness of breath
14.The appearance of discoloured or purplish growths on the skin or inside the mouth
15.Unexplained bleeding from growths on the skin, from mucous membranes, or from any opening in the body
16.Recurring or unusual skin rashes
17.Severe numbness or pain in the hands or feet, the loss of muscle control and reflex, paralysis or loss of muscular strength
18.An altered state of consciousness, personality change, or mental deterioration
19.Children may grow slowly or fall sick frequently. HIV positive persons are also found to be more vulnerable to some cancers.

What is AIDS?
AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. A diagnosis of AIDS is made by a physician using certain clinical or laboratory standards.
What Causes AIDS?
AIDS is caused by infection with a virus called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood and sexual contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies during pregnancy or delivery, as well as through breast feeding. People with HIV have what is called HIV infection. Most of these people will develop AIDS as a result of their HIV infection.
What is HIV?
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. This virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood and sexual contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their baby during pregnancy or delivery, as well as through breast-feeding. People with HIV have what is called HIV infection. Most of these people will develop AIDS as a result of their HIV infection.
Where did HIV come from?
Scientists have different theories about the origin of HIV, but none have been proven. The earliest known case of HIV was from a blood sample collected in 1959 from a man in Kinshasha, Democratic Republic of Congo. (How he became infected is not known.) Genetic analysis of this blood sample suggests that HIV-1 may have stemmed from a single virus in the late 1940s or early 1950s.
The virus, perhaps, has existed in the United States since at least the mid- to late 1970s. From 1979-1981 rare types of pneumonia, cancer, and other illnesses were being reported by doctors in Los Angeles and New York among a number of gay male patients. These were conditions not usually found in people with healthy immune systems.
The cause of AIDS is a virus that scientists isolated in 1983. The virus was at first named HTLV-III/LAV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus-type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus) by an international scientific committee. This name was later changed to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).
How long does it take for HIV to cause AIDS?
Since 1992, scientists have estimated that about half the people with HIV develop AIDS within ten years after becoming infected. This time varies greatly from person to person and can depend on many factors, including a person`s health status and their health-related behaviors.
Today there are medical treatments that can slow down the rate at which HIV weakens the immune system. There are other treatments that can prevent or cure some of the illnesses associated with AIDS, though the treatments do not cure AIDS itself. As with other diseases, early detection offers more options for treatment and preventative health care.
How does HIV cause AIDS?
HIV destroys a certain kind of blood cell—CD4+ T cells (helper cells)—which are crucial to the normal function of the human immune system. In fact, loss of these cells in people with HIV is an extremely powerful predictor of the development of AIDS. Studies of thousands of people have revealed that most people infected with HIV carry the virus for years before enough damage is done to the immune system for AIDS to develop. However, recently developed sensitive tests have shown a strong connection between the amount of HIV in the blood and the decline in CD4+ T-cell numbers and the development of AIDS. Reducing the amount of virus in the body with anti-HIV drugs can slow this immune destruction.
How can I tell if I`m infected with HIV? What are the symptoms?
The only way to determine for sure whether you are infected is to be tested for HIV infection. You cannot rely on symptoms to know whether or not you are infected with HIV. Many people who are infected with HIV do not have any symptoms at all for many years.
The following may be warning signs of infection with HIV:
• rapid weight loss
• dry cough
• recurring fever or profuse night sweats
• profound and unexplained fatigue
• swollen lymph glands in the armpits, groin, or neck
• diarrhea that lasts for more than a week
• white spots or unusual blemishes on the tongue, in the mouth, or in the throat
• pneumonia
• red, brown, pink, or purplish blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids
• memory loss, depression, and other neurological disorders
However, no one should assume they are infected if they have any of these symptoms. Each of these symptoms can be related to other illnesses. Again, the only way to determine whether you are infected is to be tested for HIV infection.
What is meant by `Asymptomatic Period`?
It is possible to be infected with HIV without showing symptoms of illness. An individual can transmit the virus to others, even if he or she shows no symptoms. More persistent or severe symptoms may not surface for a decade or more after HIV first enters the body in adults, and within two years in children born with HIV infection. This period of `asymptomatic` infection is variable, however. Some people may begin to have symptoms in as soon as a few months, whereas others may be symptom-free for more than 10 years. During the asymptomatic period, however, HIV is actively infecting and killing cells of the immune system.
What is meant by `Window Period`?
The length of time following infection for an individual to develop detectable antibodies to HIV is known as the `Window Period`. According to the CDC, most persons infected with HIV develop antibodies against the virus within three months after the infection.
What body fluids transmit HIV?
These body fluids have been proven to spread HIV:
• blood
• semen
• vaginal fluid
• breast milk
• other body fluids containing blood
These are additional body fluids that may transmit the virus that health care workers may come into contact with:
• fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord
• fluid surrounding bone joints
• fluid surrounding an unborn baby
How is HIV passed from one person to another?
HIV transmission can occur when blood, semen (including pre-seminal fluid, or `pre-cum`), vaginal fluid, or breast milk from an infected person enters the body of an uninfected person.
HIV can enter the body through a vein (e.g., injection drug use), the anus or rectum, the vagina, the penis, the mouth, other mucus membranes (e.g., eyes or inside of the nose), or cuts and sores. Intact, healthy skin is an excellent barrier against HIV and other viruses and bacteria.
These are the most common ways that HIV is transmitted from one person to another:
• by having sexual intercourse (anal, vaginal, or oral sex) with an HIV-infected person
• by sharing needles or injection equipment with an injection drug user who is infected with HIV
• from HIV-infected women to babies before or during birth, or through breast-feeding after birth
Can I get HIV from kissing on the cheek?
HIV is not casually transmitted, so kissing on the cheek is very safe. Even if the other person has the virus, your unbroken skin is a good barrier. No one has become infected from such ordinary social contact as dry kisses, hugs, and handshakes.
Can I get HIV from open-mouth kissing?
Open-mouth kissing is considered a very low-risk activity for the transmission of HIV. However, prolonged open-mouth kissing could damage the mouth or lips and allow HIV to pass from an infected person to a partner and then enter the body through cuts or sores in the mouth.
Can I get HIV from performing oral sex?
Yes, it is possible for you to become infected with HIV through performing oral sex. There have been a few cases of HIV transmission from performing oral sex on a person infected with HIV. While no one knows exactly what the degree of risk is, evidence suggests that the risk is less than that of unprotected anal or vaginal sex. Blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, and vaginal fluid all may contain the virus. Cells in the mucous lining of the mouth may carry HIV into the lymph nodes or the bloodstream. The risk increases if you have cuts or sores around or in your mouth or throat; if your partner ejaculates in your mouth; or if your partner has another sexually transmitted disease (STD).
How effective are latex condoms in preventing HIV?
Studies have shown that latex condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV transmission when used consistently and correctly. These studies looked at uninfected people considered to be at very high risk of infection because they were involved in sexual relationships with HIV-infected people. The studies found that even with repeated sexual contact, 98-100 per cent of those people who used latex condoms correctly and consistently did not become infected.
Is there a connection between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases?
Yes. Having a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can increase a person`s risk of becoming infected with HIV, whether the STD causes open sores or breaks in the skin (e.g., syphilis, herpes, chancroid) or does not cause breaks in the skin (e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea).
If the STD infection causes irritation of the skin, breaks or sores may make it easier for HIV to enter the body during sexual contact. Even when the STD causes no breaks or open sores, the infection can stimulate an immune response in the genital area that can make HIV transmission more likely.
In addition, if an HIV-infected person also is infected with another STD, that person is three to five times more likely than other HIV-infected persons to transmit HIV through sexual contact.
Not having (abstaining from) sexual intercourse is the most effective way to avoid STDs, including HIV. For those who choose to be sexually active, the following HIV prevention activities are highly effective
• Engaging in sex that does not involve vaginal, anal, or oral sex
• Having intercourse with only one uninfected partner
• Using latex condoms every time you have sex
Why is injecting drugs a risk for HIV?
At the start of every intravenous injection, blood is introduced into needles and syringes. HIV can be found in the blood of a person infected with the virus. The reuse of a blood-contaminated needle or syringe by another drug injector (sometimes called `direct syringe sharing`) carries a high risk of HIV transmission because infected blood can be injected directly into the bloodstream. In addition, sharing drug equipment (or `works`) can be a risk for spreading HIV. Infected blood can be introduced into drug solutions by using blood-contaminated syringes to prepare drugs; reusing water; reusing bottle caps, spoons, or other containers (`spoons` and `cookers`) used to dissolve drugs in water and to heat drug solutions; or reusing small pieces of cotton or cigarette filters (`cottons`) used to filter out particles that could block the needle.
Can I get HIV from getting a tattoo or through body piercing?
A risk of HIV transmission does exist if instruments contaminated with blood are either not sterilized or disinfected or are used inappropriately between clients. Instruments that are intended to penetrate the skin should be used once, then disposed of or thoroughly cleaned and sterilized.
Are health care workers at risk of getting HIV on the job?
The risk of health care workers getting HIV on the job is very low, especially if they carefully follow universal precautions (i.e., using protective practices and personal protective equipment to prevent HIV and other blood-borne infections). It is important to remember that casual, everyday contact with an HIV-infected person does not expose health care workers or anyone else to HIV. For health care workers on the job, the main risk of HIV transmission is through accidental injuries from needles and other sharp instruments that may be contaminated with the virus. Even this risk is small. Scientists estimate that the risk of infection from a needle jab is less than 1 per cent, a figure based on the findings of several studies of health care workers who received punctures from HIV-contaminated needles or were otherwise exposed to HIV-contaminated blood.
Can I get HIV from casual contact (shaking hands, hugging, using a toilet, drinking from the same glass, or the sneezing and coughing of an infected person)?
No. HIV is not transmitted by day-to-day contact in the workplace, schools, or social settings. HIV is not transmitted through shaking hands, hugging, or a casual kiss. You cannot become infected from a toilet seat, a drinking fountain, a door knob, dishes, drinking glasses, food, or pets. Although contact with blood and other body substances can occur in households, transmission of HIV is rare in this setting.
HIV is not an airborne or food-borne virus, and it does not live long outside the body. HIV can be found in the blood, semen, or vaginal fluid of an infected person. The three main ways HIV is transmitted are:
• Through having sex (anal, vaginal, or oral) with someone infected with HIV.
• Through sharing needles and syringes with someone who has HIV.
• Through exposure (in the case of infants) to HIV before or during birth, or through breast feeding.
Can I get infected with HIV from mosquitoes?
No. From the start of the HIV epidemic there has been concern about HIV transmission of the virus by biting and bloodsucking insects, such as mosquitoes. However, studies have shown no evidence of HIV transmission through mosquitoes or any other insects—even in areas where there are many cases of AIDS and large populations of mosquitoes. Lack of such outbreaks, despite intense efforts to detect them, supports the conclusion that HIV is not transmitted by insects. The results of experiments and observations of insect biting behavior indicate that when an insect bites a person, it does not inject its own or a previously bitten person`s or animal`s blood into the next person bitten. Rather, it injects saliva, which acts as a lubricant so the insect can feed efficiently.
Diseases such as yellow fever and malaria are transmitted through the saliva of specific species of mosquitoes. However, HIV lives for only a short time inside an insect and, unlike organisms that are transmitted via insect bites, HIV does not reproduce (and does not survive) in insects. Thus, even if the virus enters a mosquito or another insect, the insect does not become infected and cannot transmit HIV to the next human it bites.
There are many different types of HIV tests. How do I know which one I should take?
The combination of an ELISA / Western Blot HIV Antibody Test is the accepted testing method for HIV infection. This combination test is looking for the antibodies that develop to fight the HIV virus. There are two ways to conduct this test. Either through a blood draw or through the `Orasure` method (a sample of oral mucus obtained with a specially treated cotton pad that is placed between the cheek and lower gum for two minutes). Both forms, by blood draw or orally, have the same accuracy with their results.
Other tests that you will hear about are Viral Load tests. These tests are used by physicians to monitor their patients who have already tested positive for HIV antibodies. Viral Load tests are very costly and should not be used to determine if one is HIV positive.
How do I know if I have AIDS?
You cannot tell whether a person is infected with HIV or has developed AIDS by how they look and appear to you.
A person infected with HIV is diagnosed as having AIDS when they develop an AIDS defining illness. This is the result of HIV weakening their immune system to the point at which it has difficulty fighting off infections that would otherwise be controlled by a healthy immune system. Because these illness take advantage of an infected persons immune system to cause illness, they are also know as opportunistic infections.
In many countries anti-viral drugs are available to people with HIV to help reduce the rate at which HIV weakens the immune system. There are also drugs available to prevent and treat some of the specific opportunistic infections.
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