A Formula Precisely Engineered To Deliver Maximum Results!
Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule is one of the only male enhancement products that have gone through a clinical study.
Sikander-E-Azam Plus puts more emphasis on increasing sex drive and hardness than other penis capsules available. Most of the men that have tried this product were very pleased with their new-found sexual desire and stamina.
Start Enlarging Your Penis Today!
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Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule was originally designed as a natural supplement that works to increase the length and girth of your penis, provide rock hard erections and increase your sex drive. The original Sikander-E-Azam Plus formula was created over 6 years ago, and just recently 3 new key ingredients were added to create a new and improved formula called Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule.
This new formulation contains 3 new ingredients including Tribulus, Damiana, and Bioperine. The addition of these 3 new ingredients inside of Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule are designed to intensify sexual pleasure, prevent premature ejaculations, increase stamina, and provide longer lasting erections. Bioperine is the key ingredient inside of Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule that works to increase the absorption rate of all the ingredients inside of the capsule. Basically, the addition of Bioperine makes this capsule work faster and better than before.
How Does Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule Work?
The size of your penis is directly related to the size of your corpora cavernosa chamber inside your penile shaft. When arousal occurs, your corpora cavernosa chamber fills with blood to the maximum level until you achieve a full erection. Thus, the size of your penis is limited by the size of your erectile chamber (corpora cavernosa).
Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsules contain scientifically formulated herbal concentrates obtained from Europe, China, and South America. These natural herbs work to increase the blood flow to your penile chamber which allows your erectile tissue mass to expand as a result. Once your erectile tissue mass begins to enlarge, you will experience rock hard erections that are longer, thicker, and last longer than before.
Now a day’s life has become so stressful. This can be stated as a reason for lack of sexual drive and other sex related problems which are more commonly found in men. One of the reasons for missing sexual drive is that the men do not get the full penis size. They use to try different methods available in market but it does not provide the required results. Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule can be seen as a method which provides remedy because it solves the root cause of the problem.
If the blood supply is not proper in penis, it will not get its full size. Blood flow should always be there and also it should retain there for long time. This is one of the necessary conditions for getting the maximum length for penis. A disadvantage is also considered with such capsules because it is composed of synthetic ingredients. These can cause allergy and side effects to some people .It can also result in heart attacks and many other serious problems like high blood pressure, blurred vision and also loss of sight.
Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsules are used for improving the blood supply in penis. The increased blood supply will stretch the penis up to certain limit with which the man is comfortable and is also used for improving the sex drive. A sexual act can be performed well when you put your body, mind and sole into the act. This provides the increased supply of blood in penis which results in enlargement of the organ.
Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsules do not have any side effects like other synthetic capsules available in market. These capsules are made of natural herbs .There are no chances of side effects and any type of health damage. But if the person is already suffering from any other disease, then he should need to consult the doctor. Natural herbs are used in Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule for improving the sexual drive which is the necessary requirement of sexual intercourse. These herbs are used improving the blood supply to your penis when you have the desire. Because of the blood supply and sexual drive, the size of penis gets enlarged to its full.
Sikander-E-Azam Plus, is one of the most popular male sexual health capsules. Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule is formulated and manufactured by Leading Edge Herbals. They take advantage of centuries old ancient methods which use rare herbs to make Sikander-E-Azam Plus, one of the best male enhancement pills available on the planet. Sikander-E-Azam Plus is not only a penis enlargement capsule but a booster of overall sexual health.
Main Herbal Combinations Used In Sikander-E-Azam Plus Herbal Capsule Are:
Ingredients | quantity |
Zingiber Officinalis | 80 mg |
Eugenia Koreohileta | 30 mg |
Mysrisica Officianalis | 40 mg |
Mryistica Fargrans | 30 mg |
Cinnamomum Zeyanicumbiume | 20 mg |
Apnea Gaiangel Willed | 30 mg |
Seed of Tamarindus Indicus Linn | 100 mg |
Querecus Incana Engl | 20 mg |
Querecus Infecotoria | 30 mg |
Muruna Pruciens | 100 mg |
Crocistigmats | 5 mg |
Aurum Compound | 10 mg |
One Capsule Daily in Evening. We recommend you to take this capsule for 3 months for desired results.
All these herbs used in Sikander-E-Azam Plus Herbal Penis Enlargement Capsule are collected from various countries around the world.

Q: How Does Sikander-E-Azam Plus Deliver it’s Extraordinary Results?
Only Sikander-E-Azam Plus offers: A formula precisely engineered to deliver maximum results. The freshest, highest quality natural ingredients. As a result, no other product can compare with the results that Sikander-E-Azam Plus produces. To understand why Sikander-E-Azam Plus works so well, you first need to understand how the penis works.
Q: What Exactly Is Sikander-E-Azam Plus?
A- Sikander-E-Azam Plus capsules is a natural herbal formula for erection and virility enhancement that promotes erectile length, girth, and strength, as well as overall sexual vigor and function.It gives strength to body to resist any disease.
Q: How Does Sikander-E-Azam Plus Work?
A: Herbs from many parts of the world are formulated into a blend that enlarges the penis erectile tissues called corpora cavernosa when aroused. On either side of your penis, you have two spongy areas (called the corpora cavernosa). An erection happens when you become excited and the natural flow of blood fills these erectile tissues. Sikander-E-Azam Plus has been scientifically developed to expand these erectile tissues and make them much larger. As it does this the erectile tissues can hold more blood than ever before.
Q: How Many capsules Should I Take?
A: One capsule twice a day with milk.That’s all.
Q: Will There Be Any Side Effects?
A: None reported. Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule are a non-prescription formula that is safe for you to use. As with all dietary supplements, do not take in excess of the recommended dosage.
Q: Who Should Order Sikander-E-Azam Plus?
A: You should if you would like to strengthen and lengthen your pleasure with a herbal formula that really works.
Q: How Long Will It Take To Get The Results I Need and Want?
A: When you start using Sikander-E-Azam Plus Herbal Penis Enlargement Capsule, within no time you will feel enhancement in sex desire, more strength in erection and overall strength in your body. After using it for two months, your will see the change in your penis size. Just imagine how would you feel when you will see your penis enlargement upto 2 inches within two months. Just use Sikander-E-Azam Plus Herbal Penis Enlargement Capsule and you will come to know why Sikander-E-Azam Plus Herbal Penis Enlargement Capsule is a revolutionary discovery.
Q: What Is In Sikander-E-Azam Plus?
A: Sikander-E-Azam Plus is a safe, proprietary selection of special herbs renowned for their special properties and blended together in a powerfully effective combination. These special herbs have been gathered from around the globe.
Q: I’ve read That The Average Penis Size Is 6 Inches. What About Men From Another Race Or Country?
A: The Kinsey Report is one of the most complete studies of penis size to date. It states that the average white male has a penis measuring 6.2 inches long and 3.7 inches around, and the average black African male has a penis measuring 6.3 inches long and 3.8 inches around. This is a difference of only 0.1 inches, which is not statistically significant. Generally speaking there is no little difference in the size of the penises, and this is true worldwide. Sikander-E-Azam Plus works to enhance size in the erect state.
Q: How Long Before I See Results?
Here is a time table which indicates what you can realistically expect to achieve when you are aroused.
Month One
The first change that you can expect and enjoy is longer lasting erections. You’ll also start to notice an expansion in the width of your penis.
Month Two
Now it’s starting to get exciting. You’ll start to see more dramatic changes in your appearance. If you look in a mirror you’ll be amazed. You’ll also notice a further increase in your sexual stamina.
Month Three
Beyond Now when you get an erection your penis looks and feels firmer, stronger and more rock solid than you ever dreamed possible.
Q: How Does the Formula Compare With Viagra?
A: This is all-natural. It’s an herbal formula. There are no reported side effects. And you get the added benefit of having the herbs nourish other parts of your body.
Q: How Much Does It Cost?
A: Sikander-E-Azam Plus is surprisingly inexpensive for all you get. You might expect this amazing product with all these herbs to cost Rs. 1286/- ($30USD) per 10 capsule.One month supply is 3675 $90
Q: What Type Of Guarantee Do I Get?
A: Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. We built our business by offering excellent products to happy customers who order from us again and again — customers who feel good about referring their friends to us. If you don’t see better erectile firmness and size, then return it for a refund .We will refund your money deducting postal and shipping charges.
Q- Is Sikander-E-Azam Plus Herbal Penis Enlargement Capsule effective for every man?
A- A product of Ayurvedic Cure, this capsule has proved effective on all men of age from 18 to 70 years. This capsule has proved to be a boon for men till date.
Q- How much time it takes to get Sikander-E-Azam Plus Herbal Penis Enlargement Capsule?
A- We make sure that this excellent product from Ayurvedic Cures reaches you within 3 -7 days in any part of India.

First of all I would like to thank Sikander-E-Azam Plus for letting me share my story with all of you. My name is Ron and my problem before taking Sikander-E-Azam Plus capsules was being called a “60 SECONDS MAN.” I could orgasm in less than a minute and that always kept me from a long-lasting relationship with any woman. Now after taking capsules for 2 months I have been making love for as long as 40 minutes. I finally was able to satisfy my partner and I am thinking of proposing to her next month.
Ronald D., DE
My problem used to be losing an erection in the middle of a sex act. You can understand how embarrassed I used to get every time, followed by stupid excuses from me of how I had problems at work, or any other BS. My doctor advised me to take prescription drugs and it did help me, but the cost was outrageous. I spent over $500 the last 4 months on prescriptions written by my doctor and deeply regret that I haven’t found your site before. After taking your capsules I have seen an increase in my penis length and now I am able to keep my erection throughout the whole sexual act.
Joshua Grant, NV
My sex life was really becoming a routine. I was pretty OK with getting it hard. I lasted long enough but I couldn’t do it that emotionally tense like I used to when I studied in college. Since then my sexual feelings got gradually dull and every night was just like the previous one. Thanks to Sikander-E-Azam Plus capsule that helped me experience greater sexual pleasure, intensified orgasms and get my honey to the peak of the sexual sensations.
Mike Seaward, KY
What I really like in your company is that whenever I face any troubles or have a question somebody’s always there to help me, be it a live chat, an e-mail service or a phone support. It looks like you do care about your customers, unlike the other companies that can only be reached by sending them e-mails that often stay unanswered.
Dave H., HI
After the first day of using your capsules I noticed that the erection of my penis was much firmer and lasted longer.Now after one month I can say that the length of my erection increased and the thickness increased as well. My wife is also very enthusiastic about the change and encourages me to go on.In the past I could reach only one ejaculation a night, now I can ejaculate two or even three times….
– Johan V.
“I have only been using for 3 weeks. I see a big difference already in length. But the amazing thing is the girth size increase.My erection is so much bigger and harder than before! Before, after sex I would pull out and be small and soft, but now after my wife has 3-4 orgasms, she says I wear her out!After I pull out I am still rock hard and ready for more. Never done that before.”
– Randall C.
I am using Sikander-E-Azam Plus. I have been using it for about 4 months now. The first month I noticed better control, increased sex drive, and stiffness. After about 3 months I noticed a 1.5 inch gain in length. Overall I am very happy with Sikander-E-Azam Plus. The statements made are accurate!
-Greg Gates, Cinti, Ohio
Well after the 1st week I felt I was “fuller” and the girth was a little bigger. Now it has been almost a month and I’ve gained almost ¾ inch in length and the girth of my penis is much fuller. I feel more energetic with sexual activity and even a little more confident in bed!
-James Mathewson
I started using Sikander-E-Azam Plus 2 months ago and what the reviews online said were true… it worked for me! I have gained 1.5 inches in length. I was 5 inches soft and now I am 6 inches soft…. I was inches hard and now I am 9.5 inches hard! And I gained 3 ¾ at the base!
-Mark Davey, Sharon, Pennsylvania
I have been using Sikander-E-Azam Plus for only a couple of weeks but have already seen gains after just a couple of days. I noticed I’ve been getting thicker even when flaccid and length is improving as well. At first my girlfriend was mad and said I didn’t need this but she is NOT complaining now!
-David Nuzzi, Torrington, Connecticut
I have been taking Sikander-E-Azam Plus for 3 months now. I am very satisfied with the results so far. My erections are firmer, stronger and my ejaculation is powerful to say the least! My sexual appetite has increased tremendously. Also my sexual responsiveness is impressive… all I have to do is think about having sex with my wife and I ‘man reaction’… also know as an erection!
-Joao Pereira, New Haven, Connecticut
After 3 ½ weeks my penis is longer, fuller and thicker and the frequency of erections and stamina are both increased. I have more powerful and intense orgasms.
-Rudy Guillen, Little Chute, Illinois
I have seen a significant improvement in both length and girth in a flaccid state. More importantly, I have seen approximately 2 inch increase in my erect state! Great product… would definitely recommend!
-Earl Sumpter Jr., Blountville, TN
I have been using Sikander-E-Azam Plus Capsule for one month and so far I have experienced 1/2 inch gain in length and a huge gain in girth. I cannot wait for months two and three!