Herbs are very effective in curing skin diseases like redness swelling, burning, itching and acne affect men, women and children of all ages and races. These diseases can be very distressing, causing great discomfort, emotional stress and feelings of hopelessness. Contact dermatitis, contact urticaria, acne, pigmentary disorder are common skin problems which are faced by everyone in ones life.
Commander Marham is designed to NATURALLY treat eczema 3 different ways:
1. Reduce Inflammation
2. Control and Soothe itchy skin on contact
3. Moisturize and Heal dry, oozing and cracked skin
Commander Marham acts as the all natural eczema Marham that can help you to get a safe and all natural alternative to cortisone. When you use Commander Marham, you will be able to get a naturally safe formula for long term treatment that is pleasant to use, non greasy, and fast acting at the same time. When you use Commander Marham, you will be able to get no animal testing, and you get the benefit of only the best all natural ingredients designed for your success. It gives you a 10% tincture of cardiospermum, a flowering vine that he has been used for traditional medicine in India and Africa for centuries. And it will help you to eliminate itching and inflammation from eczema, allergies rashes, dry skin, or allergies. Commander Marham is better for 80% of cases used. And it has a natural and pleasant fragrance.
How Does Commander Marham Work?
Commander Marham active ingredients include cardiospermum tincture 10%.There is virtually no information about what their main ingredient really is. They talk about how effective it can be. But nobody else seems to have heard of it. But regardless of what it is or what it is not, they do not account for the other 90% of the concentration. They do not tell you what the majority of the formula is made of. And the likelihood is, the rest of the formula is actually made up of fillers, preservatives, and other potentially damaging ingredients to the skin. When it comes to Commander Marham, you will find that it has quite a few irritants that make skin red, irritated, peeling, and it promotes a great many other issues.
Commander Marham makes many claims about just how it works. They say that Commander Marham helps you to fight eczema and a number of other skin problems. When you use Commander Marham, they say that you will be able to get all natural methods to treat problems with eczema. But they do not reveal most of their ingredients, and the one ingredient that they do reveal does not apply here. When you use Commander Marham, you are more likely to see skin irritation and breakdown than anything else. And we would recommend that you use something else.
Commander Marham contains a powerful blend of all-natural ingredients to soothe and treat eczema. Commander Marham has more than 10x the ingredients found in other Eczema Treatments in addition to an emphasis on quality ingredients, the Commander Marham research and development team put the *right* amount of the ingredients into the formula which results in quick treatment of Eczema.
Eczema is a term used to describe a number of skin conditions that commonly cause the skin to become inflamed, irritated or worse. Eczema, also known as dermatitis, irritates skin all over the body and is almost always itchy and often leaves the skin feeling dry, rough, flaky and extremely uncomfortable. Hundreds of products, from oils to lotion and even internal remedies, have been developed to try and relief the pain and frustration that eczema causes.
Commander Marham scores very high across the board. Its special blend of proven compounds have a dramatic effect on the area it is used. Your skin will thank you for the relief from cracking and flaking. You will find a new level of satisfaction when it comes to skin care. The price and affordability are at the finger tips of the majority of people. There are an abundant of natural ingredients meant to soothe the pain of eczema.
Eczema is term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated.The most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema. Atopic refers to a group of diseases with an often inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact with everyday objects — from shampoo and jewelry to food and water — causes this very common type of eczema. When the contact leads to irritated skin, the eczema is called irritant contact dermatitis. If an allergic reaction develops on the skin after exposure, the eczema is called allergic contact dermatitis.
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Signs and Symptoms
Allergic contact dermatitis usually develops a few hours after the allergen (substance to which the person is allergic) touches the skin and causes:
- Itchy, swollen, and red skin or dry and bumpy skin
- Blisters may develop if the reaction is more severe
- Blisters may break, leaving crusts and scales
- Skin may later flake and crack
- With long-term exposure to an allergen, the skin becomes thick, red, and scaly. Over time, the skin can darken and become leathery.
When the responsible allergen or irritant no longer touches the skin, the skin can clear. If the responsible substance(s) continues to touch the skin, contact dermatitis can become severe and difficult to treat.
Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
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Occurring only on the palms of the hands, sides of the fingers, and soles of the feet, this common eczema typically causes a burning or itching sensation and a blistering rash. Some patients say the blisters resemble tapioca pudding. |
Other Names
- Hand eczema
- Pompholyx
- Vesicular eczema
- Vesicular palmoplantar eczema
Signs and Symptoms
- Small, deep blisters can form on the palms, sides of the fingers, and/or soles
- Intense burning or itching
- Inflamed skin (reddish and hot to the touch)
- Cracking and peeling skin
- Affected areas may sweat excessively
- Skin may become infected, causing oozing blisters and crusts
- Skin between the fingers can soften; skin may feel spongy
- Nail changes if dyshidrotic dermatitis persists for a long time. The fingernails can develop ridges and pitting. The nails may thicken and discolor.
- Sometimes as the skin clears, the skin peels and a new crop of blisters appear
- Extensive peeling and cracking in severe cases
While some patients experience only one outbreak that clears in 2 or 3 weeks without treatment, others have recurring flare-ups that can range in frequency from once a month to once a year.
Hand Dermatitis
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Hand dermatitis is not one specific type of eczema as is atopic dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis. Any type of eczema that develops on the hands can be classified as “hand dermatitis.” Why this special classification? Hand dermatitis often has unique causes — frequently job-related — and can require special treatment considerations. |
Other Names
Hand eczema
Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms may initially come and go. Without treatment and preventive measures, hand dermatitis can become severe. The following are common signs and symptoms:
- Dry, chapped hands (may be first sign)
- Later the hands tend to develop patches of red, scaly, and inflamed skin that can itch
- Itchy blisters or other lesions may form, skin may crack and weep
- Pus-filled lesions, crusting, and pain if skin becomes infected
- Can spread beyond the hands, particularly to the forearms and feet, if a skin infection develops or an allergic reaction is not treated
- Deformed nails when hand dermatitis persists for a long time
Without proper diagnosis and treatment, hand dermatitis can become chronic (long lasting), interfering with everyday activities and on-the-job tasks. This can significantly diminish one’s quality of life.
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Imagine an itch so intense that no amount of scratching brings relief and you have some idea of what it feels like to have neurodermatitis. This common eczema develops when nerve endings in the skin become irritated, triggering a severe itch-scratch-itch cycle. Common causes of nerve irritation include an insect bite and emotional stress. |
Other Names
Lichen simplex chronicus
Signs and Symptoms
- Intensely itchy skin that is usually itchiest when the person is resting or relaxing.
- Once the skin is scratched, a vicious itch-scratch-itch cycle develops. The more the skin is scratched, rubbed, or even touched, the more it itches. The itch can become so intense that it disrupts sleep.
- Develops on any area of the body the person can scratch or rub. Most commonly appears on the lower legs, ankles, back and sides of the neck, wrists, forearms, and genitals.
- Constant itch causes nervous tension (anxiety) in some patients.
- Often develops on skin previously affected by an outbreak of atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis (two common types of eczema) or psoriasis.
- Neurodermatitis remains until it is effectively treated.
- Since effective treatment requires the person to stop scratching, the condition can be a challenge to treat.
- Neurodermatitis can return with exposure to triggers.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
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Usually beginning on the scalp as oily, waxy patches, this common type of eczema sometimes spreads to the face and beyond. A severe case, while rare, produces widespread lesions. Like most types of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis tends to flare in cold, dry weather. |
Other Names
- Seborrheic eczema
- Cradle cap (occurs in infants aged 0 to 6 months)
- Dandruff
- Seborrhea
Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms can vary from day to day and include:
- Oily, waxy appearance to the skin
- Flaking skin with scale that ranges in color from white to yellowish brown
- Reddish, somewhat swollen patches of skin — often resembling atopic dermatitis (another type of eczema) or psoriasis
- Patches can appear on these areas of the body: scalp, hairline, upper lip, beneath the eyebrows, inside and behind the ears, eyelids, creases near the mouth, around the nose, armpits, groin, navel, buttocks, underneath the breasts, and upper back. These areas contain oil-producing glands called sebaceous glands.
- Skin may itch constantly. Itching and burning are most common when a skin infection develops. When the skin is infected, skin becomes extremely inflamed and itchy.
- If severe, widespread patches
- Infants. The condition usually clears on its own over a period of weeks or months but may return at puberty.
- Adults. Seborrheic dermatitis is often chronic, flaring periodically and without warning.
Nummular Dermatitis
Often appearing after a skin injury, such as a burn, abrasion, or insect bite, the hallmark of this common eczema is unique, coin-shaped (nummular) or oval lesions. One or many patches can develop that may last for weeks or months.
Other names
- Discoid eczema
- Nummular eczema
- Nummular eczematous dermatitis
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Signs and Symptoms
- One or several patches may appear and tend to:
- Begin as a group of tiny reddish spots and blister-like lesions that enlarge and grow together to form a reddened, coin-shaped patch that ranges in size from less than 1 inch to more than 4 inches.
- Weep fluid in the beginning and then become crusty. Long-term patches are scaly.
- Be pink, red, or brown and well-defined.
- Develop on the legs, but also occur on the torso, arms, hands, and feet.
- Clear in the center, forming a “ring” around the clear skin that causes the patch to resemble a ringworm infection.
- Patches often itch and burn. Itching and burning range from severe to barely noticeable. The itch may intensify at night, disturbing sleep.
- A yellowish crust may develop on the patches if a Staphylococcus aureus (staph) infection develops.
- While the skin between the patches usually remains clear, the skin may be very dry and easily irritated.
- When this type of eczema clears, it often leaves the skin a bit darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation) than the surrounding skin. The discoloration may never fade completely when a lesion occurs below the knee.
- Some patients clear within a year. Others have persistent or recurring lesions for many years.
- Lesions that recur after clearing tend to do so at the sites of the original outbreak.
Occupational Dermatitis
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Occupational dermatitis is not one specific type of eczema. It is any type of eczema caused by a person’s workplace. This distinct classification came about because occupational dermatitis has unique causes and a large number of people develop eczema on the job. |
Other Names
Occupational eczema
Signs and Symptoms
According to estimates, 5% of men and 10% of women in the workforce develop eczema on their hands from workplace exposure. Most often this occurs when something that touches the skin causes irritation (irritant contact dermatitis) or an allergic reaction (allergic contact dermatitis). Occupational dermatitis also frequently develops on the forearms and face. Signs and symptoms of occupational dermatitis include:
- Dry, chapped skin (mild case)
- Raw and irritated-looking skin (more severe)
- Redness, swelling, scaly skin, wearing away of the top layers of skin, cracks, blisters, and skin ulcers (more severe)
- Itching, burning, and/or stinging of the affected skin
- If the condition persists for some time, the skin may thicken
- Occupational dermatitis can become chronic (long-lasting) if the irritants or allergens continue to contact the skin and the condition is not effectively treated.
- Even the slightest exposure can trigger a flare-up once the skin clears.
Stasis Dermatitis
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Developing in the lower legs, this common eczema occurs when circulation becomes sluggish. Poor blood flow causes fluids to build up, and the legs swell. Over time, this build up of fluids affects the skin, causing a rash that usually itches, painful sores, as well as thinning and discolored skin. Effective treatment involves treating not only the dermatitis but the circulatory problem as well. |
Other Names
- Gravitational dermatitis
- Venous eczema
- Venous stasis dermatitis
Signs and Symptoms
Stasis dermatitis can begin so slowly that it is barely noticeable or so rapidly that it seems to develop overnight. Signs and symptoms include:
- Swelling in one or both lower legs. In severe cases, the swelling can include the foot and extend to just beneath the knee.
- Leg pain
- Thin and inflamed skin
- Itching (can be severe)
- Open sores that can be painful and heal slowly
- Patches of skin can be dry and scaly or ooze
- Reddish brown discoloration of the skin
- Honey-colored crusting when the skin becomes infected
- Skin thickens and darkens with repeated scratching and rubbing
- Violet-colored lesions may appear on lower legs and tops of the feet
Stasis dermatitis often is a long-term condition that requires care even when the skin clears.

Q: What is the Suggested Use?
Massage topically 2-3 times per day to penetrate into the cell membranes and effectively relieve eczema symptoms. As the condition starts to hea, reduce application to twice daily and then continue nightly to prevent reoccurrence.
Q: Is Commander Marham safe for everyone?
The ingredients in Commander Marham are 100% natural and safe, however, Commander Marham is made for adults only.
Q: Do I need a Prescription for Commander Marham?
No, you do not need a prescription to purchase Commander Marham.
Q: How Long does Each Bottle Last?
Each bottle contains 4.5 fl. oz of Commander Marham, which will last approximately 4 months.
Q: How do I order?
We have a Simple 1-step Verisign Secure, Authorize.net Verified, Hacker Safe checkout that accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover card, and PayPal. Your email address is ALWAYS kept private. We hate unwanted spam as much as you do and will never be a part of it.

“I developed eczema for the first time this past year. My eyes were red, irritated, and looked like shrivled raisens. I tried everything I could think of to cure it. I even went to the doctor. After about 8 months of suffering, I discovered Commander Marham . Miracle of miracles it worked. My eyes are cleared up and no longer resemble dried produce. I continue to use it as a moisturizer on my eyes and for any flare ups on other parts of the body.
I also got my mother hooked on it as well. Certain cosmetics irritate her skin, but if she uses the Commander Marham before she applies it there isn’t a problem.
Thank you, thank you thank you.”
– Emily M.
“I started using Commander Marham for an extreme case of eczema on my hands caused by an adverse reaction to cleaning chemicals..
After using the Commander Marham for 2 weeks the problem was corrected. Prior to using the the Commander Marham, I had been trying for a number of years to find something that would fix or provide relief for this problem. Since this experience, my family and I have used Commander Marham for many other application including sunburn and diaper rash. The other thing I have noticed is its ability to draw out infection from cuts and abrasions. It also allows wounds to heal quickly and with less scarring. Thanks again for providing these products, I recommend them highly.”
– Randon A.
“I have gone to dermatologists for more than 40 years for eczema and very dry skin. No prescription or even Kenalog injections have helped much, and I have spent considerable money on prescription creams and ointments over the years.
When I showed a friend of mine the hand eczema/fingertip cracks I always have, she told me that she and her daughter use Commander Marham on their faces, and she thought it it might be good for eczema. She got a jar for me, and I couldn’t believe the results. I put it on my fingertips that night, and the next morning the cracks were healed over – unbelievable! I can’t tell you what a miracle this is for me.”
– Mona W.
“I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful product. I’ve been looking for a natural moisturizer that doesn’t irritate my eczema. I found it in your Commander Marham. It’s very soft and soothing to my hands, face, and neck.
I also use it on my heels. It works so well that I tried it on my son’s hands. Every winter he plays football at recess without gloves and his knuckles crack and bleed. Ithas completely healed with two applications.”